
Showing posts with the label brain waves

Why Does Reading Make Us Sleepy

Have you ever thought that some people feel sleepy while reading? Do you know the reason? Let us think about it today. Reading helps us mentally slow down Relax physically, and put ourselves at ease. If you concentrate intensely on reading, it will create corresponding images and intense thoughts in your brain. That is an exclusion of all other thinking and stimuli around you. Is there any narrowing of attention when you read a book? If yes, then understand that reading has a hypnotic effect. What happens when we sleep: Sleep is a state of reduced mental and physical activity. It is a highly conserved behavior across animal evolution,[4] likely dating back hundreds of millions of years. [5] Alters consciousness. Sleep inhibits sensory activity to a certain extent. There is a decrease in muscle activity and interactions with the surrounding environment. Most of the body's systems are in an anabolic state. Helping to restore the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems[2]. Mai...