Custard Apples at Home: The Joy and Health Benefits of Fruit Without Pesticides.

When we buy fruits like apples or grapes, the usual practice is immersing them in salt water for half an hour and then washing them using running water. Traders say we can remove pesticides like this. I am not sure. I take it with a pinch of salt. In the case of grapes, if you keep them in salt water for a long time, you get some of them with split skin. Do you have that experience? In this article, I would like to introduce three varieties of custard apples that I planted in my backyard years ago. Lately, I read a report saying apples, grapes, oranges, etc., contain pesticides beyond acceptable levels . So, I thought it would be the right time to explore the apples in my home that reveal the significance of growing fruits without poison right from home. Do not be surprised. It is our simple Raman pazham, Seetha pazham, and Mullathi pazham. ...