Solid State Laser: Ruby

Solid-state lasers are attractive sources of coherent radiation for various applications. The five groups of lasers are solid-state, semiconductor, liquid, gas, and plasma. The state of the laser active environment in solid and semiconductor lasers is similar, so they are in a single group. Research in solid-state lasers has been continued for more than 50 years and gradually progressed in obtaining new emission wavelengths and tunable radiations. A new generation of solid-state laser systems pumped, fiber, slab, and disc lasers has begun a new era in the research and development of medical instruments due to the reduction of the size and consumption of energy (1-2). A ruby laser is a solid-state laser that uses a synthetic ruby crystal as its gain medium. The first working laser was a ruby laser designed by Theodore H. Ted Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories on May 16, 1960. [3][4] Ruby lasers produce pulses of coherent visible light at a wavelength of 694.3 nm, a deep red co...